Spiria Digital - 2016

UX Designer & consultant

When I joined Spiria, I was hired as a software developer not a designer. However, I kept insisting that UX was my strength. At the time, UX design was not the norm in smaller companies. So my whole endeavour was to advocate for UX and make it an integral part of product creation. As I spent some time in the company, I earned trust of leadership and colleagues and eventually was able to meet clients and directly convince them of the value of good design.

Spiria team


Aidexpress is fantastic small business in Gatineau, Quebec that is focused on providing services for seniors by making providers accessible to them. When I first saw the interface, our team was assigned to create new features for the client. I raised the concern that major issues needed to be fixed from a user experience perspective before bringing in new features. I lobbied for the opportunity to audit the platform and share my vision with the client. This slide contains some of the priority items I highlighted in the client's presentation.

Aidexpress presentation

After the presentation, monsieur and madame Gangon were fully convinced of the need to optimize their platform with UX. The audit exposed problems they knew but couldn't logically define. Our team redesigned their website and continued to support their business by creating and admin centre and other features.


Aidexpress presentation

Orthoacademie is a wonderful online institute where students can be trained in massage and orthotherapy. I had the privilege of working directly with the founder Veronique Paré, visiting her institute in Gatineau, and conducting usability testing with her students. When Spiria took on redesigning Orthoacademie, I started with an audit for the existing platform, conducted interviews with current students who used the online platform to better understand some of the problems they encountered. Accordingly, I created personas, new information architecture and low fidelity wireframes that were handed off to visual design.

Arc Depot

Arc Depot home

Arc Depot is an E-commerce platform for welding supplies. I met the client with product managers, collected requirements, interviewed users and created personas to represent them. I created scenarios for the different tasks the client wanted users to acheive. From scenarios, I defined the information architecture of the site and we built it with a Shopify theme. After implementation we conducted a usabiltiy session to verify the organization, information architecture and that users are able to attain their main goals through the site.

Mobile projects

Mobile Projects

I had the opportunity to design multiple mobile projects that are under NDA. This includes:

  • "Enfant Soleil/Extra Life" an event app.
  • "FCS control" for Entice Development group.
  • "OnSpot" a home inspection app for Urban Studies.
  • "REO" a real estate responsive web app for NextGen.